Journals / Transactions

The Journal of Engineering (incorporating the Transactions) of the Institution of Engineers in Scotland is now available under open access at: 

Users have to register but there is no charge for accessing or downloading any of the 160 volumes or individual papers. 

The information in the Journal/Transactions forms a fascinating record of engineering achievements since 1857.


Journal of Engineering: Volume 157, 2018

Journal of Engineering: Volume 157, 2018

This edition focuses on infrastructure issues.

Journal of Engineering: Volume 156, 2016

Journal of Engineering: Volume 156, 2016

This edition has a special feature on manufacturing and contains papers and articles about methods used by leading Scottish manufacturers.


Index of Papers 2000–Present

Index of Papers 2000–Present

We have followed the examples of the past and prepared a list of papers from 2000 to the present day.

Index of Papers 1957–2000

Index of Papers 1957–2000

In 2000, to celebrate the Millenium, a list of papers from 1957 to 2000 was prepared.

Index of Papers 1857–1957

Index of Papers 1857–1957

In 1957, to celebrate the centenary, a comprehensive index of papers was prepared. This consists of a Subject Index, an Index of Authors, and an Index of Ships Mentioned.

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