Journals / Transactions
The Journal of Engineering (incorporating the Transactions) of the Institution of Engineers in Scotland is now available under open access at:
Users have to register but there is no charge for accessing or downloading any of the 160 volumes or individual papers.
The information in the Journal/Transactions forms a fascinating record of engineering achievements since 1857.
Journal of Engineering: Volume 156, 2016
This edition has a special feature on manufacturing and contains papers and articles about methods used by leading Scottish manufacturers.
Index of Papers 2000–Present
We have followed the examples of the past and prepared a list of papers from 2000 to the present day.
Index of Papers 1957–2000
In 2000, to celebrate the Millenium, a list of papers from 1957 to 2000 was prepared.
Index of Papers 1857–1957
In 1957, to celebrate the centenary, a comprehensive index of papers was prepared. This consists of a Subject Index, an Index of Authors, and an Index of Ships Mentioned.