Graham Stow, head of Education at Primary Engineer presented the Statwars Climate Challnege Change as  part of the STEM learning climate conference for teachers

The STATWARS Climate Change Challenge has been designed for Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 3 pupils and asks them to use data to understand their personal impact on climate change and commit to 3 changes in lifestyle. Schools have opportunities to join live online sessions with data and climate professionals and teachers are provided with lesson plans and resources. The competition requires pupils to illustrate their findings and pledge in the form of an infographic, a poster and a 60 second media pitch.

The recording of Graham’s session will help you to understand what STATWARS looks like in the classroom as he highlights how the project provides teachers and pupils with access to a diverse range of data and climate professionals who they can interview and be inspired by. Graham demonstrates the student-centred, cross curricular and real-world, project-based learning within STATWARS and how research shows these as vital tools in effective STEM learning.

As a resource rich project, you’ll be happy to know that we provide everything free to use, from schemes of work, lesson plans and presentations, to “how to” videos in case you or your pupils require a bit of help handling data!

During his session, Graham was joined by teacher and STATWARS advocate, Hilary Gorman of Harrysmuir Primary in West Lothian who provides an inspiring account of the impact STATWARS Climate Change Challenge has had on her and her pupils, which you’ll not want to miss.

Read more here

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