Presidential Address - Tales from the Riverbank - Experience of building and operating an intensive commercial ferry service in Scotland
24th September 2024 6:30 pm
Ferries are a hot topic at present. Graeme explains the crucial importance of ‘keeping it simple’ in the engineering and purchasing of ferries in relation to the 50 years of operation of Western Ferries, who operate the Gourock – Dunoon service.
Graeme Fletcher is the Technical Director of Western Ferries. After completing his studies at Southampton Institute of Higher Education and an engineering cadetship with BP Shipping Ltd in the 1980’s, Graeme spent the next 20 years on various ship types trading worldwide. This culminated in service as Chief Engineer on Irish Sea Ro-Ro ferries and attainment of an Open University Honours Degree.
Since coming ashore he has been responsible for safety and technical operations both ashore and afloat during a period of great advancement and technical development at Western Ferries (Clyde) Limited and has overseen the design and build of the current fleet of vessels and supporting infrastructure.
He Chairs the Ro-Ro Subgroup of the MCA’s Domestic Passenger Ship Steering Group and represents IES on the Lloyd’s Register Technical Committee.
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